Maura Wayman Photography

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COVID Graduations-They look different but in some ways they are more powerful

My niece graduated last Saturday from Eagle Hill. The end of her Sr year was not at all what she had imagined. Like so many other Graduates of the class of 2020 she was looking forward to Sr Prom, Bonfires and late nites spent with classmates relishing their time together before they scattered to different parts of the world. But all that changed abruptly in early March. She finished her Sr year in zoom classes and thought her graduation ceremony was going to amount to an envelop in the mail, but her school wasn’t going to let this class leave without being recognized. Her advisor Eric Stone drove all the way from Clinton to surprise her and hand deliver the diploma she worked so hard to achieve. My sister Jen even got her a bell so she could be ‘rung out’ in Eagle Hill Tradition.

These are strange times but they aren’t all bad. It was an awesome day. So excited for Clare’s next chapter at Endicott.